The Leominster and Hereford Kite Festival took place at Berrington Hall on 9th/10th July 2022. Organised by Bill Souten on behalf of the Midlands Kite Fliers, the event is more of a fly-in than a festival and we found that the atmosphere was one of the most relaxed and friendly kite events that we’ve been to. Unfortunately we had a lack of wind all weekend, slightly more on the Saturday but Sunday was definitely only for flying ultra-light kites. Bill does a fantastic job and even organises a curry for the Saturday evening which tasted superb. Following the food there was even an auction. Something we haven’t seen at an event for quite a while. There were a number of Dan Leigh deltas to bid for and we came away with one of his Classic ’88 models. Overall a superb weekend and one we’ll certainly be returning to.